Unlock Your

True Potential

Personal development classes and coaching to boost your confidence and energy to accelerate your life goals!

Our Key Focus Areas

We leak energy when we avoid things in our lives. The opposite is also true. When we focus on developing the areas which we are avoiding the most, we create incredible energy, grow authentic confidence and achieve harmonious balance.

Business / Career

Gain clarity of what inspires and motivates you, and fulfil your life purpose and passions through your expression of work.


The most valuable real estate to invest in is the body that you live in. When we change your self-image, you will automatically take on habits of regular exercise, healthy eating and rest.


By letting go of anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt and anxiety, you create space for your intrinsic states of confidence, happiness and self-love.


Tap into the abundance of resources and opportunities around and within you. Money is a form of energy, it gives you choices and ultimately freedom.


Before improving your relationship with others, we first improve your relationship with yourself. Your energy will attract and influence your partner, family and friends.


Respect your own model of the world and what spirituality means to you. For some people, it can be religion, meditation, feeling of knowingness, consciousness and/or being present. 

"Confidence is an attitude followed by a trail of techniques!" - Roy Kwan

Keep on track to achieve your goals and dreams, and grab the tools that you can take away to work on yourself to get the best outcomes in your life for the rest of your life!

Meet Roy - Your Coach

Roy Kwan is the CEO and Founder of Coach Anywhere. He is a certified practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy, and Rapid Change Technologies (RCT) Coaching, and he integrates these disciplines together to help high achievers and entrepreneurs overcome stress, anger, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and insomnia. 

For fun, Roy runs an online start-up selling custom-made furniture using virtual reality technology, he trains in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and volunteers as an ethics teacher at his daughter’s primary school.

Our Mindset Courses

Our programs are designed to help you identify blockages and increase clarity, whilst giving you a structure to keep you motivated and accountable towards the journey to success. The education components have been carefully selected to expand your mind and increase choice in the achievement of your goals.

7 Year Vision Workshop

Instructor : Roy Kwan

Rating : ★★★★★

Price : $180  FREE!

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Mon - Fri ( 9am - 5 pm)   

Coach Anywhere

Our mission is to help anyone, anywhere in the world, heal their wounds from the past so that they can live their lives to their full potential.

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